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Immersive and multi-disciplinary training project for performers and contemporary creators
In collaboration with Leggere Strutture Art Factory

An international training project conceived to supply and reinforce both performer’s tools and creator’s alongside interested in exposing themselves to a pursuit of a possible independent creative path and cross-formation research: theatre, dance, music, circus, drama, performance. This full-time formation in Performing Art, with a duration of eight months between October and May, have classes in Bologna on weekly basis on 800 hours with practical and theory classes concerning history and theory of the performative act, organizing and managing skills, with experts specialized in a wide array of disciplines. Moreover, the monthly focuses will bring special guests coming from some of the world’s most important Companies.

>> More info and next auditions


Workshop for professional / not-professional performers

An intensive lab for those who would like to approach our methodology, training, technique, and artistic creation. The workshop, representative of the Company’s research, will explore the dramaturgic elements in dance and theatre languages. Through practical and theoretical exercises, the work investigate how to structure autonomously movement combinations, becoming author and creator and setting aside the idea of ​​being just a performer. The lab is focused on the following skills: stage presence, body and space relationship, use of the voice on stage, relationship between two or more bodies, action-reaction exercises, partnering, research of personal qualities and  improvisation technique. Moreover, the workshop will focus on the theatrical essence of the movement.

>> More info and next workshop:




Femminile Plurale
Permanent theatre-dance workshop for amateurs

An intensive laboratory of variable length during the year, that aim at artistic research with the objective of a final collective Creation. Project may be directed to specific social categories, and It's personalized according to the proposed theme of the proposing organization. During our sessions (at lest 24-40 meetings) a real creative exchange occur: participants are involved in all project phases leading to the show's debut.

Among the different projects that the Company has already completed, we would like to mention "Femminile Plurale": a specific women workgroups who performed in the shows between years 2011 and 2019.


Milano Laboratory <<     Parma Laboratory <<     Solarolo Laboratory <<




Permanent theatre-dance workshop for amateurs over 70

A permanent workshop for people over 70, using play as a metaphor for life and a remedy for being. The workshop explores the playful dimension, which is fundamental to culture, to reflect on the physiological changes in the human body and the influence of past experiences. Through collective meetings that combine somatic practices and the collection of physical memories related to childhood, an archive of actions is created to preserve memory. Each participant is a protagonist and has the opportunity to express themselves freely, fostering community, listening, and dialogue.


Rovereto Laboratory <<




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