C&C is a project that aims to create and develop a constantly evolving artistic language. It investigates physicality and dramaturgy, transmitting and sharing energy and creativity in the most direct, clear and authentic possible way in front of the urgent contemporary social issues. Through a constant work and a language free from superstructures, C&C analyses the depth of interpersonal relationships by establishing partnerships and bringing truth onto the stage, all of which achieved through a physical language that points at allowing the audience to feel represented within its universality.
The Company was born in 2011 and has indicated a calling for the hybridization and transversalitybetween dance and through different performative codes. Among the many productions, we mention the most recent: Beast without Beauty, Les Miserables, A Peso Morto, RIGHT, Metamorphosis… many creations require the involvement of communities in contact with the Company, both in the project and in the sharing phases. It establishes a dialogue with the community to enhance the artistic project, making it concrete and effective: a search for relational truth which characterises the poetic of the Company. Combined with an imaginative openness and a creative curiosity it brings the abstract out of the real and brings the audience closer to the theatrical experience in a captivating and enriching way.
Carlo Massari is an transdisciplinary performer, choreographer and creator active in the Italian and international contemporary scene. Always in search of new languages, he deepens the hybridization and blend of the various performing disciplines, defining a clear and recognizable distinctive feature in an "amphibious" form.
His eclectic training and professional path is characterized by experiences that have alternated between drama, musical theater, dance and physical theater.
Over the years he has collaborated as an interpreter for: Venice Biennale, Barbara Nativi, Marco Baliani, Teatro dell’Argine, TeatroDue, Cie.Balletto Civile, Cie.Abbondanza-Bertoni, Cie.della Rancia, Cie.Petri Dish.
In 2011 he became the co-founder and Artistic Director of C&C Company, a research and production company specializing in the field of dance-theater (supported by MIC), and creating several award-winning pieces.
In parallel with the Company's activity, he has been hired as a choreographer by: Salzburger Landestheater, Teatro Regio di Parma, Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, Bologna Festival, Ferrara Musica, Cie.Balletto Teatro di Torino, Cie.OPUS Ballet.
In 2019, in collaboration with Leggere Strutture Art Factory, he founded ANFIBIA: an immersive and trans-disciplinary training project for performers and contemporary creators.
In 2020 he has been awarded with the CollaborActionXL prize by AnticorpiXL Network and became an Associate Artist of Oriente Occidente Festival.