A direction or rather a choreography to be left speechless, as is the show to which the story creates magic.
Massimo Tucci-Fermata Spettacolo
The dancers are very talented, suspended in the frenetic rhythm of the struggle and exhausted, in extremis, overcome by the concreteness of arrogance or survival.
Beast without Beauty is a complex operation, designed on the precise partition of the dance and resting on the unusual tactics of the Absurd.
Rosario Mastrota-Metropolitan Magazine
It is incredible the perfection of the gesture of this choreography capable of evoking the puppy of a deer with very precise signs.
Incredible that mix of awkwardness and grace, of fragility and pride that a man's body manages to transmit through dance.
Alessandra Bernocco-Multiversi
Carlo Massari faces the symbols, materializes them in their physicality and dematerializes them by their stratifications, [...] the result is a refined and original discourse on Europe, its past and its present.
Stefano Casi-Casi Critici

Yet another gaze: still, cold, freezing, unmerciful on society.
An irreverent, cynical study on the archetypes of human misery, the non-expressivity, the despicable cruelty of interpersonal relations. Three losers in a superficial relation face each other in a duel; at stake is the affirmation of a role, an identity, a social position, the survival. There are no rules, everything is permitted: anyone lends itself to be an object of prey, an intended victim of the other. We are aware of that and we just wait for it to happen, and we in turn are ready to attack, to offend, to plough, to smash, to tier to pieces, to kill the other mercilessly, but we are very careful not to get our hands dirty.
An aristocratic depraved game of romance and tyranny; a hidden violence, kept quiet, pastel colored, that hopelessly leads to massacre and extinction; there will be no winners, but only losers. In such a fuss nothing seems to be happening… and so we implode, unable to get up again, we abandon ourselves, but paying attention not to ruin our hair done, nor smudge the makeup, nor wrinkle our suits, nor loosing our dignity in order to avoid any cannibalistic act, or being devoured by the others, by the void, by our voids, by the deaf silence.
An attempt to physically recount the pain of living, the Beckett’s paralysis: a weak man, desperate enough to become emotionless, now quite incapable of getting his life together and rescuing it from the misery in which it bogged down. An absurdist comedy (in which we are subjected to the absurd, despite ourselves) with an existentialist flavour from Beckett’s theatre, perfectly explicated in his “Happy Days”.
An authentic dive into the non-sense, a black irony as a counterpoint to the paleness of the faces, a fascination in the absurdity of the scenes, in the estrangement from the human involvement into actions and facts. Lifeless figures, deprived of energy, exhausted and dehumanised, like at the end of a long war, conscious of having being useless except for hurting themselves, becoming cynical and opportunist in front of death, to the point of contradicting themselves and betraying their playmates.

Original creation Carlo Massari
Cast Carlo Massari, Emanuele Rosa, Giuseppina Randi
Light design Francesco Massari
Stage costume consultancy Gabriella Strangolini
Stage wigs Bruna Toneatto
Production C&C
In co-production with TCVI/Danza in Rete Festival
With the support of CID/Oriente-Occidente Festival, CSC Bassano del Grappa
Fondazione Piemonte dal vivo, Cie.Abbondanza/Bertoni
Residenza I.DRA. & Teatri di Vita/Progetto CURA 2018, Festival Prospettiva Danza
H(abita)t – Rete di Spazi per la Danza/Leggere Strutture Art Factory
MiBAC e SIAE/Sillumina-Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura
With the support of "MOVIN’UP SPETTACOLO - PERFORMING ARTS 2018/2019” MINISTERO PER I BENI E LE ATTIVITÀ CULTURALI Direzione Generale Spettacolo, GAI Associazione per il Circuito dei Giovani Artisti Italiani
and GA/ER Associazione Giovani Artisti dell’Emilia-Romagna
Lenght 60'

ACT Duri Award
ACT Festival
Jury Prize
Premio Twain_direzioniAltre
Jury Prize
Prospettiva Danza Teatro
Jury Prize
CrashTest Festival
Audience Award
CrashTest Festival
Special Mention
Residenze Lavanderia a Vapore
Selection Essere Creativo
Selection Visionari
Kilowatt Festival
Protagonismo e Creatività