... four cygnets in a black bustier with an orange wig perform their performance in front of a Naked King. They enter in couru, bow down, and then as miserable jesters they move through space,
always creating new patterns and sequences, to the rhythm of their voice that ironically, with apparent seriousness, the banality, hypocrisy and conformism of our society.
The enlightenment need to transform the world through the diffusion of Art and Culture has been abolished by the postmodern din, in which "facts are nothing but interpretations": here then solidarity becomes goodism, the country’s love sovereignty , freedom is a matter of security.

A ruthless and immoral canvas on today's period, a contemporary middle-class drama, occasionally familiar.
An overview of stereotypes, of the already seen, already said, already acted on. A little theatrical farce of human misery: the body and the voice in service of a pathetic collective that re- sembles that of Aristophanes' The Frogs, or perhaps one of Offenbach's operettas, or, furthermore: the fa- mous Brecht's The Threepenny Opera. Staticity and paralysis in response to the imminent and obvious collapse.
We assist with our hands tied, we acknowledge it, we simply shrug, sigh and turn our heads around again. A detailed analysis on current in- ternational situation, a research on interconnections among forms of protest taking place today - rarely in- spired by ideas on human evolution and revolution - as well as on the Enlightened historical vision that puts Arts & Culture in the heart of the change.
A creation that one once again leads the Company in probing into contemporary social contests through amphibious language, one of remarkable impact, bearing a complex dramaturgical level in support of the piece.

Original creation Carlo Massari
Cast Carlo Massari, Alice Monti, Stefano Roveda, Nicola Stasi
Vocal coaching Chiara Osella
Light design Francesco Massari
Production C&C
In co-production with Triangolo Scaleno/Teatri di vetro, TCVI/Festival Danza in Rete
Supported by Leggere Strutture Art Factory/Residenze (h)abitat, Fonderia ATER, CLAPS-Spettacolo dal vivo, Teatro Akropolis
Selection NID Platform 2019
Length 60’